The Food Service & Grocery Sector

Workers Organizations in the Food & Grocery Sector

Peet’s Labor Union

Trader Joe’s United

Burgerville Workers Union

Industrial Workers of the World

Essential Workers for a Democracy (UFCW Reform Movement)

United Southern Service Workers

Articles on Grocery Worker Organizing

At UFCW, A Reform Movement Rises

Being the Union in a Rhode Island grocery store

Organizing in the Bad Old Days: the Harvest Collective Drive

Saskatoon Co-op Strike Ends with Two-Tier Contract

The IWW Campaign at Good Earth Food Co-op

The IWW Campaign at Whole Foods

Why do Grocery Co-ops Hate Unions?

Grocery Workers Win COVID-19 Hazard Pay

Low-Wage Workers, Top-Down Unions

Stories and Lessons from Restaurant & Fast Food Worker Organizing

Deep Dish: Reflections on Pizza Hut Organizing in Florida

The Rise and Fall of the IWW Jimmy John’s Campaign in Baltimore

You Can’t Hide from Class Struggle: the campaign at Smiling Bear

A Restaurant Job Action that Changed Everything

Solidarity and Power in the Face of a Terrified Employer: the IWW campaign at Frite Alors

“I live for that shit”: A Worker Recalls Successful Direct Action in the Workplace

What Worked and what didn’t: A History of Organizing at Starbucks (part one)

What Worked and what didn’t: A History of Organizing at Starbucks (part two)

Bartenders Bring a Manipulative, Thieving Bully into Line

Remembering a Strike, and Seeing How We’ve Grown

Bakery Workers Fight Back Against Immigration Audit

A Restaurant Organizing Dilemma

Direct Action Keeps Us Safe

Books about Organizing in Food Production & Service

Food Movements Unite! (2011)

The present corporate food regime dominating the planet’s food systems is environmentally destructive, financially volatile and socially unjust. Though the regime’s contributions to the planet’s four-fold food-fuel-finance and climate crises are well documented, the “solutions” advanced by our national and global institutions reinforce the same destructive technological path, the same global market fundamentalism, and the same unregulated consolidation of corporate power in the food system that brought us the crisis in the first place.

Dishing it Out: Waitresses and Their Unions in Twentieth Century (1992)

“Rich in detail, studded with telling anecdotes, Dishing It Out is just as vivid and evocative as its title suggests. . . . This book speaks with clarity and good sense to the major debates in the history of work and gender and will become a landmark in our growing understanding of the relationships between the two.”
        — Susan Porter Benson, author of Counter Cultures

“In this imaginative study of waitresses, work, and unionism, Cobble challenges us all to rethink the conventional wisdom about the relationship between craft unionism and the possibilities for women workers’ collective action. Women’s labor history will never be the same.”
        — Ruth Milkman, author of Gender at Work: The Dynamics of Job 
        Segregation by Sex during World War II

Short Films about the Grocery Sector

This Grocery Giant Stole Millions from its Workers